Low vitamin D serum concentration is associated with high levels of hepatitis B virus replication in chronically infected patients.
Vitamin D is an important immune modulator that plays an emerging role in inflammatory and metabolic liver diseases, including infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV). In contrast, the relationship between vitamin D metabolism and chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is less well characterized.
Causes of death in people with chronic HBV infection
BACKGROUND & AIMS:Mortality related to hepatitis B virus (HBV) is not well known in developed countries. The aim of this study was to investigate in a population-based cohort the excess risk of death in HBV patients compared with mortality in the general population and to identify risk factors related to all-cause mortality and HBV-related mortality.
Sustained efficacy and seroconversion with the Toll-like receptor
BACKGROUND & AIMS:New therapies for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) are urgently needed since current treatments rarely lead to cure. We eva luated whether the oral small molecule toll-like receptor (TLR7) agonist GS-9620 could induce durable antiviral efficacy in woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), a hepadnavirus closely related to human hepatitis B virus (HBV).