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Home News Diagnosing Hepatitis C with The Hepatitis C Antibody Test

Diagnosing Hepatitis C with The Hepatitis C Antibody Test

Published:2018-04-18 | Source:Medical News Today | Visited:1174

The hepatitis C antibody test is the only way to check if a person has had the hepatitis C virus. The results can be complicated, as a positive test does not always mean someone has hepatitis C. Read on to understand more about the test and what the results indicate.

Hepatitis C is a virus that damages the liver. If left untreated, it can lead to liver disease and other serious long-term health problems.

Many people do not realize that they have hepatitis C. There are specific risk factors for contracting the virus, such as age and exposure to blood or bodily fluids.

What is the hepatitis C antibody test?

The antibody test is a blood test to check for infection with the hepatitis C virus.

An antibody is a protein made by the body to protect against bacteria and disease. Antibodies can detect substances that could cause harm to health.

The medical term for these harmful substances is an antigen. When an antibody recognizes an antigen, it will destroy it or stop it traveling further into the body.

Antibodies are specific to a particular bacteria or disease, and they stay in the body after someone has been infected. This means that the antibodies should be able to fight off the same disease in future.

The hepatitis C antibody test checks for antibodies to the hepatitis C virus. If there are antibodies in the body, it means that a person has been infected with the virus at some point. However, it does not always mean that they still have the virus.

A doctor will take a small sample of blood to be sent away for testing. The results may take a few days or weeks to come back.